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My talks

  1. Building Kiosk app: tips and tricks

    At droidCon Berlin 2019 I was talking about our way to create a kiosk application for Android: what problems we've run into and how we solved them, what you should take into account when building kiosk app.

  2. Intro to Flutter

    Online talk about types of cross-platform mobile frameworks & what place Flutter takes among them, as well as reasons to choose Flutter for your next project.

  3. 1 year in production with Flutter: lessons learned

    Talk at DartUp 2020. Our way to structure the app (BLoC + immutability + Clean Architecture principles), which libraries we’ve found useful (freezed, flutter_bloc, rxdart and others), what practices work better within a team (custom analysis options, code style), which problems we were solving (UI tests, CI integration, error reporting).

  4. TechUncovered: Mobile Development

    A panel discussion about mobile apps development.

  5. ViewModel is anti-pattern

    Talk at DartUp 2021 about MVVM approach and why you shouldn't use it in Flutter.

  6. "Clean" Architecture vs pragmatic architecture

    Talk at Mews Flutter meetup on 26.01.2023.

    While Clean Architecture is often seen as the gold standard for good architecture in Flutter apps, the way it's implemented in various tutorials and real-life projects doesn't look too good. I was talking about the core principles of Clean Architecture and an alternative, more pragmatic implementation of it.

  7. Claw Machine + Raspberry Pi + Flutter = ❤️

    Talk at Mobile Dev Meetup on 24.05.2023 (Betsys office Prague)

    What do screwdriver, Raspberry Pi and Flutter have in common? You use all of them to upgrade a claw machine! Learn how to hack into a claw machine, run Flutter app on a Raspberry Pi and what it has to do with hospitality and self-service kiosks.

  8. DCM: when built-in analyzer is not enough

    Talk at Flutter Czechia Meetup #1. It was not recorded, but you can find the text version here.

  9. App Architecture: Faster, Better… Simpler

    Talk at Fluttercon Berlin 2024. Text version is available here.